• Traveling Healthcare

    California Physical Therapy License Requirements

    California is often viewed as the hardest state to get your physical therapy license in, and for good reason in most cases.  However, recently, I tamed this beast and received my license in what I consider to be record breaking time. Some things like the processing speed of your application are out of your control.  However, you are able to control how quickly you can put together your application and get the Physical Therapy Board of California (PTBC) all of their required documents and information.   This can be done by first knowing what all needs to be completed, and then organizing it in a way to maximize the speed.  I…

  • Traveling Healthcare

    Semi-Retirement with Traveling Healthcare

    In continuation with my post last week on partial financial independence (FI), I wanted to show how powerful partial financial independence and traveling healthcare can be when combined together.   So if you remember from my last post, partial FI, is basically when you have enough funds in your portfolio where you can take your foot off the gas and work less while still maintaining your portfolio.  Basically, you work enough to cover your annual expenses or some of your annual expenses and then let your portfolio do the rest.  For many people, this lets them enjoy life more without the stress of their daily grind to work each day.  It…

  • Traveling Healthcare

    Travel Assignment #6: Prescott, Arizona

    As most of my posts recently have been pretty heavy on investments due to the growing market fears.  I figured it would be a good time to mix it up this week and discuss my next travel assignment on my path to financial independence.  My previous assignment was my second stint in Boston during early 2019.  This contract ended near the end of March and I had already decided that I was planning on leaving the state. About halfway through this assignment, I decided on Arizona as my landing spot.   Getting My Arizona License So I started my transition process to begin this new assignment across the country.  I began…

  • Traveling Healthcare

    Make Between 50 – 100% More Money Out of School with Traveling Healthcare

    As it is the time of the year in which the winter new grad therapists are taking (and passing!) their boards, I feel that it’s the perfect time to again share how beneficial traveling right out of school can be for paying back your loans, building your net worth, improving your skills, and seeing the country. Every year I put together my financial summary which is a post that I create outlining my financial growth for the year.  And every year I am astonished by how much traveling therapy has affected my ability to maximize my income as a new practitioner. In just 2 years of traveling therapy, I have…

  • Traveling Healthcare

    Lessons From My Horrible Insurance Mistake

    I’ve written about navigating traveling healthcare insurance a few times now, with my most recent post breaking down common insurance questions I receive fairly often.  So I think now is the time to finally share my insurance mistake that led to over a thousand dollars in out of pocket expenses… My Mistake My mistake occurred last summer after finishing up my first traveling assignment in Boston.  I finished my assignment  August 31st and I drove home (back to Wisconsin), immediately that next day.  I arrived home early on September 2nd, and was immediately getting my material ready to begin my next local travel assignment in Minnesota that was coming up in a few weeks. …