• Finances

    The App Everyone Should Be Using to Track Their Finances

    Most people don’t track their expenses, emergency fund, debts, investments, retirement plan or overall net-worth. And of those who do track one or all of those recommended personal finance markers, everyone has their own method for tracking them. Some use homemade excel spreadsheets, some use the classic pen and paper along with a collection of hundreds of receipts, some use individual apps to track each marker separately or some just let someone else deal with it completely. Personal Capital Personal Capital is a FREE, financial planning and wealth management app that is downloadable for any phone.  The beauty of this app is its ability to create a one stop shop…

  • Finances

    When can I retire: The 4% Rule

    I commonly see many people overvaluing their retirement number or honestly, and more commonly, not having even a ball park idea of where their retirement number really is.   I get it, as a 20, 30, or even 40 year old worker, retirement is so distant why even worry about it.  Go to work, eat, sleep, repeat.  Maybe mix in a drink or 10 to deal with the stress and monotony of this routine.  It’s hard, and living in the moment is easier than facing this far fetched concept that is retirement. However, this number may be much closer than you think and calculating your number might motivate you to make…

  • Introduction

    The Cliché Welcome Post for Any Start to a Blog

    Welcome, this is my blog where I plan to discuss all things financial independence.  This blog is for those of us who want take back some of our freedom that the dollar has over us. There are so many things that this world has to offer to us, why would I want to spend the majority of it feeling trapped due to the need to work. So I figured I would try and help some others along the way while I continue my journey to FI.  I’m starting this blog for a few reasons:  1. To prove to myself that I can. 2. To hold myself accountable to continue on…