• Books,  Recommendations

    Book Review: The 4-Hour Work Week By Tim Ferris

    This book is a classic.  A book that I had heard about for years as the key to breaking away from the 9 to 5 and taking back control over your time.  This book has sold over 2 million copies, spent 4 years as a New York Times best seller and has been translated to over 40 different languages.  So I finally decided to check it out and see for myself.   This was also the first audiobook that I have checked out of my public library so I was excited to see how I processed information through this form.  Audio Books I currently drive around 6-7 hours per week for…

  • Books

    Book Review: The Simple Path to Wealth

    This book is constantly referenced by many people as their favorite finance book and for me it’s really no different.  This book truly was what kick started my path towards financial independence. It was the catalyst that led to the creation of this blog.  Let me explain As I have said in the past, I started my first real job directly out of PT school and was clueless about money and investing, and everything in between.  I knew I was too frugal at my core to spend all this new income and understood I couldn’t just let that money build in my savings account. So I knew I needed to…

  • Books

    Introduction to the Book Series

    As everyone is likely spending much more time inside and getting increasingly bored as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, I figured now was a good time to introduce my book series.  Basically this is going to be a series of book reviews of all the books that I personally have benefitted from and endorse for others to read.  I plan for these books to primarily be in the personal finance and personal growth fields. Hopefully with all the extra free time we now have, these books can help all of us grow even more on our pursuits to financial independence and happiness. As the amount of book reviews hopefully…