• Finances

    You Could Never Travel AND Have a High Savings Rate…

    Before I begin this article, I want to emphasize that I am sharing this information with you not to brag but to continue to show complete transparency with my financial numbers and life. I do this for three reasons.  To keep my blog’s integrity.  I would never try to sell something that I wasn’t practicing myself.  Just like you wouldn’t trust an out of shape personal trainer, or a dentist with decaying teeth. By using my actual numbers, it’s the best way to keep my journey authentic and relatable.  To show how easy many of the concepts that I discuss are and how applicable they can be to your life…

  • Finances,  Introduction

    Happy One Year Blog Anniversary: Documenting the Growth!

    Today marks the official one-year anniversary since the inception of this blog.  To say that I am surprised is an understatement as 95% of blogs are abandoned according to Technorati, a search engine for blogs. Which as of writing this has also abandoned.   So, to make it past the year mark with a blog that is more of a passion project than a revenue producer is a success in my mind.  And as I have learned, as long as I am happy with the blogs growth, nothing else really matters at this time.  Blog Growth I truly did not see this blog developing in the way that it has, and…