• Finances

    The App Everyone Should Be Using to Track Their Finances

    Most people don’t track their expenses, emergency fund, debts, investments, retirement plan or overall net-worth. And of those who do track one or all of those recommended personal finance markers, everyone has their own method for tracking them. Some use homemade excel spreadsheets, some use the classic pen and paper along with a collection of hundreds of receipts, some use individual apps to track each marker separately or some just let someone else deal with it completely. Personal Capital Personal Capital is a FREE, financial planning and wealth management app that is downloadable for any phone.  The beauty of this app is its ability to create a one stop shop…

  • Books,  Recommendations

    Book Review: The 4-Hour Work Week By Tim Ferris

    This book is a classic.  A book that I had heard about for years as the key to breaking away from the 9 to 5 and taking back control over your time.  This book has sold over 2 million copies, spent 4 years as a New York Times best seller and has been translated to over 40 different languages.  So I finally decided to check it out and see for myself.   This was also the first audiobook that I have checked out of my public library so I was excited to see how I processed information through this form.  Audio Books I currently drive around 6-7 hours per week for…

  • Finances

    Making the Uncomfortable, Comfortable: Money Talks

    With everything going on in the world, I believe that light has been shed on the matter that as people, we need to be more comfortable talking about the uncomfortable.  This was my message a few weeks ago, and this week will follow suit but on a different yet far too relatable topic.  Money. Money comes with it’s own beliefs, thoughts, and desires.  But one thing is true, we need it to survive.  Some have had it given to them, and some have to beg for it.   Some struggle to earn it, where for others it comes natural.  Yet regardless of whether someone has millions or just pennies, few…

  • Finances

    Why Everyone Should Try a No Spend Month

    I have been wanting to try a no spend month for a while now as a challenge for myself both financially and mentally.  I actually put it in my 2020 goals back in January this year.  So with everyone already quarantined and most places shut down due to COVID-19, I figured now was as good of a time as any to give it a shot and I actually think it went pretty well.   So What is It? It’s exactly as it sounds.  It’s an attempt to spend as little money as possible for 30 days.  You are allowed to spend money during this timeframe but you are trying to limit…

  • Finances

    My Financial Privilege

    As I sit here and watch what is going on in America right now, I feel the need to speak up but I don’t know how.  I see an innocent black man killed by the very system that is sworn to protect him and I know that it is wrong. To my core, I can feel the pain of losing my father, my brother or my friend.   The protests start, looting begins and further police and bystander retaliation occurs.  And again, I think I can feel the sadness as communities burn and people are hurt.  I try to personalize this pain and suffering.  And I begin to feel like I…