• Finances

    2020 Financial Summary

    Alright, it’s finally that time of year again in which I get to write my favorite post.  It’s the post I most look forward to each year because it shows me if all the work I have been doing throughout the year has paid off.  It tells me what I did well for the year financially and what I could improve on. This is year 3 of this post and I finally feel like I have enough data to begin to see some trends in my finances.  I still can’t get over the spending data I have for the last 3 years.  For someone who doesn’t budget at all, the…

  • Finances

    The App Everyone Should Be Using to Track Their Finances

    Most people don’t track their expenses, emergency fund, debts, investments, retirement plan or overall net-worth. And of those who do track one or all of those recommended personal finance markers, everyone has their own method for tracking them. Some use homemade excel spreadsheets, some use the classic pen and paper along with a collection of hundreds of receipts, some use individual apps to track each marker separately or some just let someone else deal with it completely. Personal Capital Personal Capital is a FREE, financial planning and wealth management app that is downloadable for any phone.  The beauty of this app is its ability to create a one stop shop…

  • Finances

    2019 Financial Summary

    This is probably my favorite post to write every year because maps out my current trajectory towards financial independence.  It lets me know how I’m doing with my saving, investing, and spending. Collecting this information can be extremely powerful tool because of the insight it gives you and one that I recommend everyone keep track of. You don’t need to go all out like my spreadsheet with tables, graphs, and ROI but if I had one piece of advice for someone just starting out, it would be to track your spending.  This is far and away the most important data one can track.   When you know where your money is…