• Finances

    2020 Goals Review

    Alright, it’s finally that time of the year to see how we did at fulfilling our January 1st goals.  As many of you know, goals can be an amazing way to mark progress, create motivation, and help with self reflection.  However, goals are fluid, what mattered January 1st, 2020 might not matter as much on December 31st, 2020 and that’s just fine.  Whether you accomplish your goals or not, the important part is the reflection it takes to write and review them. As well as the personal growth you experienced that year as a person.  I challenge everyone to try setting some goals this year for 2021 regardless of how…

  • Finances

    2019 Financial Summary

    This is probably my favorite post to write every year because maps out my current trajectory towards financial independence.  It lets me know how I’m doing with my saving, investing, and spending. Collecting this information can be extremely powerful tool because of the insight it gives you and one that I recommend everyone keep track of. You don’t need to go all out like my spreadsheet with tables, graphs, and ROI but if I had one piece of advice for someone just starting out, it would be to track your spending.  This is far and away the most important data one can track.   When you know where your money is…

  • Finances

    2020 Goals

    2019 has come and gone and for really no apparent reason, I feel that I have been waiting for 2020 for a long time. I was too young to appreciate 2000 and the rest of the years in between didn’t quite seem to have the appeal that 2020 did. I’m not sure if it’s because it’s an election year so 2020 is posted everywhere or if it’s because 20/20 eyesight is good so therefor one could deduct the year would be good too. I’m not sure, but regardless, I’m excited to bring on the year! The Importance of Goal Writing I think by now everyone knows how strongly I feel…

  • Finances

    2019 Goals Review

    Back at the beginning of the year, just after the inception of the blog, I wrote a post laying out my goals for 2019 in all aspects of my life.  Well, 2019 has come and gone, and it’s time to report back on the results.  So let’s break down how I fared this year with each goal.  2019 Goals: 1. Start a Blog: Met. Technically, when I wrote these goals last year I had already started the blog.  So we will call this one met. When I began writing this blog, I started it as a safe place that I could voice my financial opinions, however, I had no idea…