• Finances

    2020 Financial Summary

    Alright, it’s finally that time of year again in which I get to write my favorite post.  It’s the post I most look forward to each year because it shows me if all the work I have been doing throughout the year has paid off.  It tells me what I did well for the year financially and what I could improve on. This is year 3 of this post and I finally feel like I have enough data to begin to see some trends in my finances.  I still can’t get over the spending data I have for the last 3 years.  For someone who doesn’t budget at all, the…

  • Finances

    2020 Recap

    Well… We Made it.  2020 has come and finally went.  It was a year unlike any other I have ever experienced. It came with many big adjustments for me to my career, my finances, and my mental well being as I am sure others can also relate to.   I never thought that I would miss things like going out to eat, or to the bar for a drink, or even the awkward small talk at a party.  But I missed it all.  2020 was a gentle reminder for all of us to never take anything for granted and I plan to carry that with me going forward.   I started writing…