
My Financial Privilege

As I sit here and watch what is going on in America right now, I feel the need to speak up but I don’t know how. 

I see an innocent black man killed by the very system that is sworn to protect him and I know that it is wrong. To my core, I can feel the pain of losing my father, my brother or my friend.  

The protests start, looting begins and further police and bystander retaliation occurs.  And again, I think I can feel the sadness as communities burn and people are hurt. 

I try to personalize this pain and suffering.  And I begin to feel like I can relate to what is happening.  It angers me.

I see the fear yet courage on the faces of the protesters and I tell myself that I understand what they are feeling. 

But I don’t.  And when I truly reflect, I don’t actually feel the pain, the sadness, or the anger either.  

I want to understand what everyone is feeling because in my heart I know that what is happening is wrong.  But despite my best efforts, I now know that I will never truly feel nor understand what the black community is going through in this country. 

It makes me feel helpless.

But I know this too isn’t true and I begin to realize what I can understand.

I may not be able to ever fully understand what the black community is going through right now, but I can try to better understand myself. 

I can understand that I was born with the skin color that gave me an advantage in life.  

I can understand that I was born with the gender that gave me an advantage in life.

I can understand that I grew up sheltered to much adversity, suffering or pain.

I can understand that my skin color led to privileges in school and in my community.

I can understand that my skin color and gender helped me to get a higher paying job.

I can understand that I am able to work and to live without fear. 

I can understand that when I yell for help in this country, that help comes.

And I can understand that I have been able to uninterruptedly pursue my endeavors and happiness my entire life. 

I can’t understand what it’s like to be a person of color in this country but I can understand what it’s like to be myself. 

I am a white, male financial blogger, like the majority of bloggers in this niche, who grew up with a very easy path to financial success.   

Once I recognized this, I quickly realized the true privilege that I have in this country.  And this didn’t bring about feelings of guilt, it brought a feeling of action. 

Because I was born with this voice and this privilege, it is my duty to educate myself so I can be an ally to the black community in all spaces, especially white spaces. 

And this all starts with understanding your own privilege first, and then using this privilege for good.

Be part of the solution, not the problem.

I will be donating to the Black Visions Collective and will be donating an additional $5 for every comment on this post.  I encourage others to do the same.


    • Joe Pavlichek

      Outstanding insight. We all need to look into our hearts as how we can be more empathic to issues that effect all people. You have chosen to reach out with your views to others. Very proud of you.

  • Deb Taylor

    Good insight. You verbalized what so many white privileged people feel. I too shall donate.

  • Barb Marchi

    You are a wise young man Zack. I am a friend of your California aunt and live in Redding Ca.
    My grandchildren were here visiting about 5-6 years ago. Their Dad is black, their Mom white/American Indian and my daughter. We were shopping for school clothes in Sears. Dad took son to look at the boys clothes and I was with daughter and granddaughter.
    Later when home, their dad shared with me, in a mater of fact way, that he and son had been followed around Sears by an employee! I was furious, he was accepting. He was used to being treated with suspicion all of his life.
    This experience opened my eyes, just a little bit! I find this a painful reality and realize that my grandkids will no doubt experience some of the same injustices during their lives.

  • Fiscal Therapist

    I appreciate all the comments and support. I made the donation as promised today!