As everyone is likely spending much more time inside and getting increasingly bored as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, I figured now was a good time to introduce my book series.
Basically this is going to be a series of book reviews of all the books that I personally have benefitted from and endorse for others to read. I plan for these books to primarily be in the personal finance and personal growth fields.
Hopefully with all the extra free time we now have, these books can help all of us grow even more on our pursuits to financial independence and happiness.
As the amount of book reviews hopefully grows I plan to make an additional tab in the menu of the blog labeled “Recommendations”. Here I plan to create a library of books that I recommend. Hopefully this will expand to podcasts and blogs in the future as well.
To start, the first book that I am going to introduce is The Simple Path to Wealth by JL Collins. It’s the first finance book I ever read and was one of the main reasons I started blogging in the first place. This book will always be the book that I first recommend for anyone looking to get starting in investing.
If you have any book recommendations for me, I’d love to hear about it as I am always looking for my next book. Feel free to comment below!
Happy Reading Everyone!