As most of my posts recently have been pretty heavy on investments due to the growing market fears. I figured it would be a good time to mix it up this week and discuss my next travel assignment on my path to financial independence. My previous assignment was my second stint in Boston during early 2019. This contract ended near the end of March and I had already decided that I was planning on leaving the state. About halfway through this assignment, I decided on Arizona as my landing spot. Getting My Arizona License So I started my transition process to begin this new assignment across the country. I began…
Cutting Your Housing Costs: Americans Spend ⅓ of Their Income on Housing Alone
2019 was a crazy year for my living situations so I knew I wanted to write an article about it. I’m not writing this article to say these are the necessary steps to reach financial independence or even to improve your financial position. I’m simply writing it to show that there are sacrifices or small changes that all of us can take to decrease our monthly spending on housing. And sacrifice may be a strong word choice as well. Possibly re-framing our thoughts may be a better way to put it. Housing is expensive so if we can find different avenues to cut this cost we can save a lot…
Keeping Up With Continuing Education as a Traveler
As a healthcare provider, most of us know the requirements to maintain our license in each state. This varies state to state and profession to profession but for the most part it is a given you will need to keep up with some form of continuing education or another. So it makes it very important to stay up to date on your education credits so you don’t risk putting your professional license in jeopardy. It can be a hassle at times, but it is also very important as it keeps our health professionals up to date with the most current education and research. Most companies/hospitals (although this too is fading),…
Make Between 50 – 100% More Money Out of School with Traveling Healthcare
As it is the time of the year in which the winter new grad therapists are taking (and passing!) their boards, I feel that it’s the perfect time to again share how beneficial traveling right out of school can be for paying back your loans, building your net worth, improving your skills, and seeing the country. Every year I put together my financial summary which is a post that I create outlining my financial growth for the year. And every year I am astonished by how much traveling therapy has affected my ability to maximize my income as a new practitioner. In just 2 years of traveling therapy, I have…
Traveling Healthcare: Negotiating Contract Extensions
Seeing as I just officially signed and started my contract extension, I think now is a good time to talk about how to negotiate this seldom talked about subject for travelers. We know how important initial contract negotiations are, but contract extensions, in my opinion, are just as important and often more in your favor when it comes to negotiations as we will discuss. Yes, contract extensions can be as simple as signing a 13 week extension of the same negotiated contract you signed 13 weeks prior. However, I feel you are cutting yourself short, and often allowing your traveling company to make more off of you. I’m not saying you…