• Finances

    When can I retire: The 4% Rule

    I commonly see many people overvaluing their retirement number or honestly, and more commonly, not having even a ball park idea of where their retirement number really is.   I get it, as a 20, 30, or even 40 year old worker, retirement is so distant why even worry about it.  Go to work, eat, sleep, repeat.  Maybe mix in a drink or 10 to deal with the stress and monotony of this routine.  It’s hard, and living in the moment is easier than facing this far fetched concept that is retirement. However, this number may be much closer than you think and calculating your number might motivate you to make…

  • Finances

    Do I Need an Emergency Fund?

    Emergency funds are a highly debated topic amongst the financial community and one that shouldn’t be taken lightly. So where should you stand on the matter? I personally feel that having an emergency fund set aside for a disaster is important, especially if you have dependents, but I disagree with where this money should be kept.   So let’s start from the beginning and break it down so you can come to your own conclusion based on your unique circumstances. So what is an Emergency Fund? An emergency fund is liquid cash being available to use in case of a financial emergency such as home/car repairs, medical bills, or a period…

  • Finances

    The Six Digit Club

    When I first started this blog almost a year ago now, which in itself is crazy, I created a New Years post laying out my goals for the upcoming 2019 year. One such goal was to save $50,000 this year and grow my net worth to over $100,000. Well, I can finally say I made it. I’m a part of the 6 digit club, a true one hundred thousandaire. The best part was that I did it with almost three months left in the year which shows my estimations were off, in a good way. I tell you this not to brag but to show you how much you can…

  • Finances

    Introduction to the Credit Card Series

    As I mentioned in my article about choosing the best credit card for your goals, I am starting up a new credit card series documenting my progression of credit card use over time. I am hoping this will give readers an idea of my own thought process that goes into my decisions when I open up a new credit card. I want to use this series to show how easy and attainable travel hacking can be for everyone, not just the nerds like me who research it. My goal with this series is to help decrease the fear associated with credit cards.  It is human nature to fear what we…

  • Finances

    How to Choose the Best Credit Card for You!

    Choosing Credit Cards Which credit card should I get?  Does this one have good benefits? Which card has the best reward bonus right now? Will this fee be worth the reward? Does this credit card have an easy redemption process?  Help me!? These are just some of the questions that I routinely get asked regarding credit use and rewards hacking.  I truly love helping out, but I figured I could possibly help others even more if I laid out a template on how to pick a credit card for yourself. Now, I won’t be picking out many specific credit cards in this article.  Rather, I designed the below flow chart…