• Finances

    2020 Goals

    2019 has come and gone and for really no apparent reason, I feel that I have been waiting for 2020 for a long time. I was too young to appreciate 2000 and the rest of the years in between didn’t quite seem to have the appeal that 2020 did. I’m not sure if it’s because it’s an election year so 2020 is posted everywhere or if it’s because 20/20 eyesight is good so therefor one could deduct the year would be good too. I’m not sure, but regardless, I’m excited to bring on the year! The Importance of Goal Writing I think by now everyone knows how strongly I feel…

  • Finances

    2019 Goals Review

    Back at the beginning of the year, just after the inception of the blog, I wrote a post laying out my goals for 2019 in all aspects of my life.  Well, 2019 has come and gone, and it’s time to report back on the results.  So let’s break down how I fared this year with each goal.  2019 Goals: 1. Start a Blog: Met. Technically, when I wrote these goals last year I had already started the blog.  So we will call this one met. When I began writing this blog, I started it as a safe place that I could voice my financial opinions, however, I had no idea…

  • Finances,  Introduction

    Happy One Year Blog Anniversary: Documenting the Growth!

    Today marks the official one-year anniversary since the inception of this blog.  To say that I am surprised is an understatement as 95% of blogs are abandoned according to Technorati, a search engine for blogs. Which as of writing this has also abandoned.   So, to make it past the year mark with a blog that is more of a passion project than a revenue producer is a success in my mind.  And as I have learned, as long as I am happy with the blogs growth, nothing else really matters at this time.  Blog Growth I truly did not see this blog developing in the way that it has, and…

  • Finances

    Transitioning From A Frugalist to a Valuist

    It may be helpful but not necessary to read my post regarding frugalists, minimalists, and valuists prior to reading on. In that post I break down each group definition which will make understanding my transition between the groups a little easier to follow.  As the definitions relate strongly to my own story on my pursuit of happiness, shout out Will Smith.  Anyways, lets start. The Beginning Naturally, if you knew me or have read any of my past material, then you know that I probably most strongly align with the frugalist. You can read more of my personal story here. As mentioned in the link above, I felt like I…

  • Finances

    A Frugalist, A Minimalist, and A Valuist Walk Into a Bar

    Well I don’t actually have a punchline, but I’m sure there is a joke in there somewhere. So, now that I have your attention, I want to use this opportunity to breakdown the often intertwined and confused definition of each of these words that are commonly used in the financial independence community. While also talking through my own transition from a frugalist to a valuist and how it allowed me to make some major life changes that improved my own happiness.  And because per usual this post grew to be too big, I put my transition in separate article. Definitions: Frugalist: Someone who wants to spend less. Everyone is going…