• Traveling Healthcare

    Horrible New Grad Salaries: Traveling Can Help

    Since I have been traveling the last year or so, I have been in a few different places around the country and have started to see a trend in new grad salaries…They suck.   As I mentioned, I started out of school making $71,000 and this felt like I wasn’t getting compensated nearly enough for my level of education or my contribution to the company.  Any healthcare provider knows how much money they are making the clinic for every service they provide.  They also know how much they are receiving in return for their skill to provide said service.  The difference between those numbers gives me chills. Anyways, $71,000 is…

  • Finances

    My Investment Strategy

    As shown in my intricate image above, I am 100% invested in stocks. “But I couldn’t possibly handle this much risk” I personally feel that I am taking on more risk by not investing in 100% stocks.  As not doing so, increases my risk of needing to work longer than I have to.   “But investing in stocks is much riskier than investing in bonds” True, but I didn’t say I was investing in all high risk areas like individual stocks as shown below.   My only individual stock investments are more about my own demons of not letting completely go of the fun I have when investing on speculation.  I too…

  • Finances

    The Tab: How to Combat Impulsive Purchases

      The Tab Technique has single-handedly saved me sooo much money over the years while also forcing me to think about what I value most in my life.   We all get the urge to buy a new this or replace an old that from time to time. This is human nature, especially in today’s consumerism society in which we live. Ask yourself this: how much stuff have you bought this week alone that you didn’t plan on? If none (although unlikely) replace week with month. Whether it was the item you tossed in the cart while your were grocery shopping, or that shirt you had to have while going…

  • Traveling Healthcare

    My Career Will Never Advance as a Traveler

    There are partial truths to this common con.  Yes, you won’t be building a patient population, creating relationships with referrals, or getting your name out there in a community.  But to say that you aren’t developing as a clinician, therapist, nurse, etc. isn’t true.  I feel that every assignment that I have taken, I have significantly developed in my communication skills and adaptability. Think about it, you are working with brand new patients, colleagues, and staff every 13 weeks. You are forced to quickly adapt to any situation and build relationships very quickly.  I have felt like I have improved my overall care with my patients as a direct result of traveling. …

  • Finances

    Savings Rate: So How Much Should I Be Saving?

    So to start this discussion, lets start out with some “fun” facts about American’s savings rates: The average savings rate in the United States in 2018 was 6.73% of their disposable income. Disposable income meaning money after taxes. (United States Bureau of Economic Analysis) 1 in 3 Americans do not have any money saved for retirement (GoBankingsRate) 56% of Americans have less than $10,000 saved for retirement (GoBankingsRate) 38% of Americans spend roughly equal to what they make while 18% spend more than what they make. (FINRA Investor Education Foundation’s 2016 report) According to a 2018 survey of 5,000 people, 40% of people’s primary reason for saving was for a…